Root Canals

In olden times whenever tooth decay would afflict a tooth, the dentist would remove it from the mouth during treatment. Nowadays you can save the tooth by a procedure called “root canal treatment”.

What Happens When the Pulp of the Tooth is Injured

Pulp refers to the tissue found at the center of each tooth. It contains blood vessels and nerves, and is responsible for the pain you feel during toothache. Pulpal pain occurs when the pulp is irritated or inflamed. This can happen when the tooth concerned is cracked, or decayed, contains a deep filling, etc.

Why is there a Need to Remove the Pulp?

During root canal treatment the infected pulp of a tooth is removed. This is done because if the infection is not removed from the area, it can spread to the bone and tissues surrounding the root of the tooth. This can give rise to swellings, bone loss etc.

Why Root Canal Treatment?

When a tooth is removed from the mouth, the teeth adjacent to the space left behind tend to tip over into the space. This gives rise to bad bite and increases your risk of getting tooth decay.

Root canal treatment preserves the tooth in place even after removing the infection. Also it is less costly than replacing a lost tooth.

How Is It Done?

  • Your dentist will first give you a local anesthetic for numbing the area against pain.

  • Then a thin sheet of rubber is applied over your teeth.

  • An access cavity is drilled into your tooth to reach the pulp.

  • The infected or dead pulp is removed.

  • The pulp chamber and root canals are cleaned.

  • Root canals are shaped and filed.

  • A medication to kill bacteria in the root canal is next placed in the root.

  • A rubber-like material is filled in your root canal.

  • Temporary filling is placed.

  • Antibiotics are prescribed to bring down the infection. Take them only as directed by the dentist.

  • In another appointment, the temporary filling is removed and permanent crown or filling is placed.

  • Attend all follow-up appointments to maintain your root canal treated tooth and ensure its success.

Will the Root Canal Treatment Last?

Depending upon a lot of factors, your root canal treated tooth can last for a long time. But it is still susceptible to fracture, recurrent decay etc. if not taken care of. Maintain your oral hygiene to ensure the life of the restoration and the health of your smile.

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